Category: Northwestern

  • Managment of a Missed Abortion

    Hi, my name is Emily Donelan. I’m a generalist OBGYN at Northwestern Medicine and I am going to talk about how I counsel patients about a non-viable pregnancy loss. Hi Jen, I’m Dr. Donelan. I’m really sorry to hear about your ultrasound this morning. And I know that you already heard that unfortunately, the baby…

  • Elective Induction at 39 Weeks

    Hi, I’m Dr. William Grobman. I’m a maternal fetal medicine physician at Northwestern University and I’m going to be talking to you about whether or not you would choose to be induced at 39 weeks of gestation. So you’re getting close now to 39 weeks and once you reached 39 weeks, women have the choice,…

  • Obesity in Pregnancy

    I’m Dr. Michelle Kominiarek, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Today I’m going to discuss how I counsel about obesity during pregnancy. Is it okay if we talk about your weight today? I’m going to use the words weight and body mass index, also known as BMI. BMI is a measure of your…

  • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in Pregnancy

    Hi, I’m Michelle Kominiarek, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Today, I’m going to discuss how I counsel a patient about a positive Group B streptococcus or GBS result. At your last visit, we did a GBS rectovaginal culture, which is a test we do routinely in pregnant women around 36 weeks gestation.…

  • External Cephalic Version (ECV)

    Hello. My name is Dr. Alan Peaceman. I’m here today to talk to you about your baby’s position. As you were probably aware, most of the time, the baby is head down and the head comes out first during labor. Unfortunately, you’re at the point in the pregnancy where most babies are head down already,…

  • Preterm Birth Recurrence

    Okay, this is Dr. Mike Socol from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And today I’m going to be talking to someone who is pregnant for the second time, but her first pregnancy unfortunately led to a delivery at 21 to 22 weeks after an episode of contractions and bleeding. And because of the extreme…

  • Operative Vaginal Delivery

    This is Dr. Mike Socol at Northwestern University Medical School, and we’re going to be talking to a patient whose been pushing for a couple of hours. It’s her first pregnancy, and now we’re faced with the decision about allowing her to continue to push or do an operative vaginal delivery, primarily by forceps. So…

  • C-section Postpartum Discharge Instructions

    This is Dr. Mike Socol from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And I am going to be going through a simulation, talking to a postpartum patient who has had a caesarian section and is now going home on postpartum day three. So we’re going to go talk…

  • New Ob clinic appointment

    Dr. Donelan: Hi, I’m Dr. Donelan. I’m a generalist OB-GYN at Northwestern, and this is how I counsel for a first prenatal visit. Hi [patient name], I’m Dr. Donelan. Mock patient: Hi. Dr. Donelan: It’s so nice to meet you. Mock patient: Nice to meet you too. Dr. Donelan: So tell me a little bit…

  • VBAC after Two C-Sections

    This is Dr. Mike Socol, I’m a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And in my office is a patient who has had two prior Cesarean sections because of a breech presentation, and now in her third pregnancy at 32 weeks, this fetus in this pregnancy is vertex.…