Category: OB Intrapartum

  • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in Pregnancy

    Hi, I’m Michelle Kominiarek, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Today, I’m going to discuss how I counsel a patient about a positive Group B streptococcus or GBS result. At your last visit, we did a GBS rectovaginal culture, which is a test we do routinely in pregnant women around 36 weeks gestation.…

  • Operative Vaginal Delivery

    This is Dr. Mike Socol at Northwestern University Medical School, and we’re going to be talking to a patient whose been pushing for a couple of hours. It’s her first pregnancy, and now we’re faced with the decision about allowing her to continue to push or do an operative vaginal delivery, primarily by forceps. So…

  • Forceps-assisted Vaginal Delivery

    Hi, I’m Emily Donelan, a generalist Ob/Gyn at Northwestern and this is how I counsel patients about forceps. So Jill, let’s talk about how your labor is going. You have been pushing for a little over 2 hours and you’re making really good progress. The baby is low enough that I can already see hair…