Tag: route of delivery

  • External Cephalic Version (ECV)

    Hello. My name is Dr. Alan Peaceman. I’m here today to talk to you about your baby’s position. As you were probably aware, most of the time, the baby is head down and the head comes out first during labor. Unfortunately, you’re at the point in the pregnancy where most babies are head down already,…

  • VBAC after Two C-Sections

    This is Dr. Mike Socol, I’m a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And in my office is a patient who has had two prior Cesarean sections because of a breech presentation, and now in her third pregnancy at 32 weeks, this fetus in this pregnancy is vertex.…

  • VBAC after One C-Section

    This is again Dr. Mike Socol, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and I am going to be talking to a patient who has had a primary Caesarean section two years ago because her fetus was in the breech presentation. And today, she’s at 32 weeks of pregnancy…

  • Elective Primary C-Section

    This is Dr. Mike Socol, I’m a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine. And today in my office, I’m going to be talking to a patient who is pregnant for the first time, who is 32 weeks of gestation, and she is concerned about route of delivery because both…

  • Forceps-assisted Vaginal Delivery

    Hi, I’m Emily Donelan, a generalist Ob/Gyn at Northwestern and this is how I counsel patients about forceps. So Jill, let’s talk about how your labor is going. You have been pushing for a little over 2 hours and you’re making really good progress. The baby is low enough that I can already see hair…

  • Route of Delivery with Di/Di Twins

    This is Mike Socol, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, and the patient we’re going to be talking about is a 37 year old patient at 32 weeks gestation with a di/di twin pregnancy, in which the first fetus is in the vertex presentation. We’re going to be talking…